Get More Cash at Closing When You Refinance with RP Funding’s No Closing Cost Refinance.

Other lenders deduct the Closing Costs from your available home equity by financing those costs into the mortgage. At RP Funding, we pay them for you putting more money in your pocket.

Your home equity could be the best way to finance home improvements, consolidate debt, make investments, or even make large purchases.

Refinance and Tap Into Your Home Equity With No Closing Costs!

Refinance Your Loan With No Closing Costs!

With home values at all-time highs, smart homeowners are using their home equity to: improve their home, consolidate debt, make large purchase and make investments.

More about the different ways Smart Homeowners are using their Home Equity without paying Closing Costs:

Home Improvements

Home Improvements

Smart homeowners understand that their home equity is the best way to finance home improvements. Whether you want to fix your roof, install new hardwood floors, or add a pool, a cash-out equity refinance through RP Funding will provide you with more enjoyment while increasing the value of your home. And not paying Closing Costs means you will have more money to invest back into your home.

Debt consolidation

Consolidating Debt

Smart homeowners understand that using their home equity is the best way to consolidate debt and realize savings. If high interest credit cards or student loans are keeping you up at night, use our cash-out equity refinance to secure a better borrowing rate and consolidate your debt. The money you save by not paying Closing Costs will allow you to retire even more debt – just when you need it most.



Smart homeowners understand that accessing home equity is key to taking advantage of investment opportunities. Don’t miss out on the next great opportunity. With a cash out equity refinance, you can quickly free the funds you need to take advantage of that perfect investment opportunity. Use your funds to purchase an investment property, buy hot stocks or other high-yielding investment opportunities all while putting more money in your pocket because we pay your Closing Costs.

Motorcycle as large purchase

Large Purchases

Smart homeowners understand large purchases are best made using your home’s equity. Unlock the home equity you have earned and use it to make large purchases. Don’t let your child start their bright new future with student loan debt. Use your home equity to get the cash you need, send your child to college and save them from the burden of student loans. Or skip the higher interest rates of dealership financing and buy that car or boat you’ve been eye-balling with less hassle as an all cash buyer.

Refinance Closing Cost Calculator

Total Paid/Waived by RP Funding:


Loan Amount:

$100,000 $650,000

Estimated Lender Fees: 0

Estimated Property Related Fees: 0

Estimated Title Fees: 0

Estimated State/County Tax Fees: 0

Total Paid/Waived by RP Funding: 0

Settlement fees that a borrower would pay regardless of the transaction, such as pre-paid interest, homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance, and property taxes are not Closing Costs.

Lender Fees and Closing Costs

Origination Fee

Credit Report Fee

Flood Determination Fee

Tax Service Fee

Processing Fee

Underwritting Fee

MERs Fee

Appraisal Fee

Survey Fee

Title - Settlement Agent Fee

Title Insurance

Title Endorsements

Recording Fee - Mortgage

City/County Mortgage Tax/Stamp Fee

State Mortgage Tax

Closing Notary Fee


Other Reasons to Refinance Your Home?

Lock in a lower interest rate

Lock in a lower interest rate

Cancel Private Mortgage Insurance

Cancel Private Mortgage Insurance

Cut years off the length of your mortgage

Cut years off the length of your mortgage

Pay no Closing Costs with RP Funding

Pay no Closing Costs with RP Funding