You Shouldn’t Have to Pay to Get a Mortgage

We Pay Lender Fees When You Buy or Refinance Your Home

From day one, we have done business differently — we pay your lender fees, because you shouldn’t have to pay to get a mortgage.
We want to help you save as much as possible so you can put that money towards your down payment, home improvements, future mortgage payments, or even buying down your interest rates to keep more cash in your pockets in the long-run.

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Ways We Help You Save

Our New No Closing Cost Purchase*

We Pay Application Fees

We Pay Loan Origination Fees

We Pay Credit Report Fees

We Pay Rate Lock Fees

No Closing Cost Refinance*

We Pay Appraisal Fees

We Pay Processing Fees

We Pay Underwriting Fees

We Pay Document Preparation Fees

How RP Funding Saves You Money

Find Out What Our Clients Really Think

Many of our happy clients have sent us video testimonials. Check out what they have to say about their RP Funding Experience.


No Closing Cost Mortgages

When you refinance your home loan with RP Funding, we can lock you in at today's rates with absolutely no money out of your own pocket. We'll pay your Closing Costs. Whether you're trying to cut years off the life of your loan, save money on interest, or get cash out for a major home project, take advantage of our no-catch, no-risk, No Closing Cost Refinance.

If you are looking to purchase a home, we have a brand new No Closing Costs Purchase. RP Funding CEO, Robert Palmer, has launched a new real estate company to bring you this special offer. Through this offer, we’ll pay your Closing Costs on a purchase loan when you bundle a RP Funding mortgage with a real estate agent.*

Find out how we are able to make these special offers available.

$1,000 Mortgage Deal Challenge

While we are confident that our terms and offers are the most competitive in the industry, there have been rare instances where a competitor offers a better deal. Our promise to you from RP Funding is that we will never let terms or fees stand in the way of you being able to work with us and take advantage of all the benefits we offer. If you receive a legitimate offer from a competitor that is better, our promise to you is that we will match it. If we can't, we will give you $1,000.**

Unfortunately, there are mortgage companies out there trying to take advantage of borrowers. In most cases, when a competitor offers “better terms,” it is usually part of a bait-and-switch known in the industry as an “unlocked rate.” Some companies will quote you anything over the phone, only for the deal to change after you’ve spent your hard-earned money on an appraisal. Sometimes this is due to bad practice, while other times it is simply because the rate was not locked. You won’t find that at RP Funding. We assume the risk of locking our rate up front — something most lenders won’t do — so you can rest easy knowing there will be no bait-and-switch.

If you do receive a better offer than RP Funding, send us a copy and we will do our best to beat it. If we can't beat it, we'll give you $1,000 when you close on their mortgage as disclosed. But from our experience, when we can't match it, it's just too good to be true.

Our reputation as your Local Direct Mortgage Lender is important. RP Funding’s $1,000 Mortgage Deal Challenge allows you to work with a local, reputable company that cares about your community. While other lenders may hit you with hidden fees and other last-minute surprises, at RP Funding, you’ll either get the best deal on a mortgage, or $1,000, guaranteed.